Monday, May 3, 2010

Just Pondering...

I'm thinking about requesting to skip the Clomid/hCG/IUI next month and go straight to Clomid+Injects/hCG/IUI which we were going to do the second month if Clomid/hCG/IUI doesn't work. Ever since I was given our plan, I've only seen the Clomid/hCG/IUI as a step we would have to take only in order to get to something that would actually work for us. I'm just not very optimistic about it at all. The cost of Clomid/hCG/IUI is $800 and the cost of Clomid+Injects/hCG/IUI is $1,000, with much better odds at achieving pregnancy. I'd rather just spend $200 more and have better odds right away, than waste an entire $800 and another cycle on something my gut is telling me won't work for us anyway...

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