Monday, May 24, 2010

Finallyyyyyyyy... :D

Today I went to the RE for my baseline appointment. My ultrasound showed that after last month and the birth control pills I'm completely cyst free! WOOHOO! This means we can finally resume treatment. Even better, my doctor agreed to let me go ahead and do the Clomid+injects/hCG/IUI this cycle. This was the best news I could have hoped for today and I am so excited. :D I'm currently on cycle day 3. I will be taking 100mgs of Clomid on cycle days 3-7. Following the Clomid, I will give myself a subcutaneous injection of 75ius of Repronex on days 7, 9 and 11. On CD 12 (June 2), I'll return to the doctor's office for another ultrasound and more blood work which will tell us how many follicles I have and how mature they are. I'll explain the rest of what we'll be doing after my CD 12 appointment.

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