Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Delays, Delays, Delays...

Well, I went to the doctor this morning as planned. During my ultrasound, we discovered a large cyst on my left ovary. This means another month of waiting for us. I will have to take birth control pills this cycle to shrink it. Kind of ironic huh?..........

However, I did get our game plan! Next cycle, if we find that my cyst is gone at my baseline appointment, we will finally begin. The first treatment cycle will consist of taking five days of an oral medication, Clomid, from CD 3-7. Then, I will return on CD 12 for another ultrasound and blood work to check my follicle size and maturity. If everything looks good, and I have a mature follicle on my left side (my good side), I will go home and inject myself with an hCG "trigger" shot to induce ovulation. The next morning I will return to the doctor to have my IUI.

All of this costs a lovely $800+. I just love paying $298 monthly for insurance coverage only to have them slap me in the face by not covering what I NEED them to cover most simply because it's not "medically necessary." But hey... whatever it takes, it'll be more than worth it in the end!

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