Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Time for Trigger

This morning I went for my CD11 ultrasound and blood work. My E2 (estradiol) levels came back at a 403. My follicles were as follows: 16, 15, 10, 8, 7 and 5. Anything 10 or under means nothing so we're looking at two mature follicles. My RE prefers the follicles to be 16-20mm on injections so we're hovering right on the borderline. When I voiced my concern that they seem too small to me, I was assured that their primary goal was to have the follicles as close to 18mm on the day of IUI as possible. My IUI is scheduled for Friday so based on the average growth rate of follicles they should be about 18mm by then.

Tonight, Hubby will have to give me the hCG injection to trigger ovulation in 36 hours. The hCG also causes the final maturation of my eggs. This intramuscular injection consists of a 1.5" needle going right into my hip. YOWZERS! Since hCG is the pregnancy hormone that hpts pick up, this injection will cause me to have a false positive pregnancy test result for approximately 12 days.

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