Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Big Giant Pin Cushion

That's what I feel like, just a big giant pin cushion. I've had lots of blood work and done seven nights of injections. I have one more injection tonight before going back tomorrow for another follicle scan and more blood work. PLEASE let my follicles be mature!

These shots make me miserable which I know will be totally worth it if they do work. But that's not a sure thing so right now I'm going with miserable. I have giant red welts at the injection site. I've been so moody and emotional. I've been having migraines and hot flashes. I guess this all makes sense considering I'm injecting hormones that are derived from a menopausal woman's pee into myself. Yes, that's right, pee. I love paying thousands of dollars for piss to shoot up with.

My stress level is through the roof. I have about five million things to do in the next couple of months and no time to do any of them. Of course, everyone chooses the time that I need to be relaxing to bombard me with a zillion responsibilities. But I don't have any children or a job right, so that means I have plenty of free time. WRONG! I'm on a very strict injection schedule and have tons of doctor's appointments. I'm just going to have to be selfish and people are just going to have to deal. When I'm not busy shooting up or driving an hour to the doctor's office, chances are I'd rather sleep, clean my house, spend time with my family or try to take the insane advice of relaxing. See, told you I'm cranky!

The pregnancy announcements keep rolling in. This is so hard... When's it going to be my turn? I'm quite certain that I'm the only person left on the planet who isn't pregnant, already a mom or both. I'm shooting up every night and in the meantime everyday I'm averaging two hundred ninety-eight new pregnancy announcements from friends who "have no idea how this even happened." I'm so glad everyone else can accidentally get pregnant and that they all feel the need to flaunt their accidental pregnancy for me. Next time just go ahead and slap me in the face. It'd be less painful.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I so remember the pain of the shots. I had the headaches etc too. Just remember, it is all, for whatever reason, just part of what is required for some of us to get pregnant. I kept telling myself that the side effects were so much worse with the repronex because it was working so much better than the clomid ;)

    Prayers every day for you sweetie! Oh, and whoooooo....that was a big puff of baby dust heading your way! :)

