Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Negative Test #8,879,123,324,354

Yep, negative again..................................... Something's gotta give.


  1. Same boat as you...so frustrated and drained...

  2. Just checking in on you;) wondering what you have planned...i am doing my third cycle in november/ december

  3. I am doing my 5th attempt Nov/Dec. Praying you are doing well. I check your blog every once in awhile to see how you are;) Heather

  4. I'm just checking in on you...hope you and your hubby are doing okay. Miss you on BBC HUGS!

  5. Hey just checking again...hope you are doing okay. Although you don't know me I check your blog often because I am totally in the same boat as you and totally feel your pain. Hoping 2012fir will be full of blessings for both of us!

  6. Hi! I never knew how to respond to my comments until now! Thank you so much for keeping up with our journey and checking regularly. I pray that this is the year of blessings for us! Feel free to email me anytime if you need somebody to talk to! I know it can feel lonesome out there.
