Wednesday, July 20, 2011


IVF #3 is looking to be a success so far! This time I switched my medications all up and did Menopur, Gonal-F, and Ganirelix then a combination of Novarel and Ovidrel as a trigger shot. Yesterday was my egg retrieval and we got EIGHTEEN healthy, normal looking eggs. Today the embryologist called with my fertilization report and 12 of the 18 fertilized successfully and all 12 look healthy, normal and good!! No vacuoles, no problems at all. I am thrilled!!! He will call again on Friday (day 3) with another report on how they are looking. My transfer is scheduled for Sunday. :)) Can't believe that after everything I've been through we finally got some healthy eggs!!


  1. Praying all the way for your time to be now, Courtnee......God is Good ALL THE TIME. So very happy for you!!!

  2. Courtnee my heart goes out to you and your family. I'm so excited for yall as yall are finally receiving amazing news. I hope and pray the very best for yall. Keep your head high and stay strong! I love yall!
