Monday, July 25, 2011


Yesterday we transferred two perfect embryos into my uterus! :)
Here is a picture:

We also had two perfect blastocysts to freeze. :)
Here they are:

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Quick Update

I just wanted to write a quick update with our day 3 embryo report. Yesterday our embryologist called and told me that we have 7 of our 12 embryos that look right on track at 6-8 cells. He said they looked exactly how they want to see them on day 3 and they were the best mine had ever looked at that point. Our other five embryos are developing a little slower with 4-5 cells but they still could catch up. They leave the embryos in the incubator on day 4 so I didn't get another update this afternoon, but they should have been at the morula stage today. Tomorrow morning we are going to Dallas for my embryo transfer. At that point we will find out how many of our embryos have made it to the blastocyst stage which is where they should be on day 5. :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


IVF #3 is looking to be a success so far! This time I switched my medications all up and did Menopur, Gonal-F, and Ganirelix then a combination of Novarel and Ovidrel as a trigger shot. Yesterday was my egg retrieval and we got EIGHTEEN healthy, normal looking eggs. Today the embryologist called with my fertilization report and 12 of the 18 fertilized successfully and all 12 look healthy, normal and good!! No vacuoles, no problems at all. I am thrilled!!! He will call again on Friday (day 3) with another report on how they are looking. My transfer is scheduled for Sunday. :)) Can't believe that after everything I've been through we finally got some healthy eggs!!