Sunday, December 26, 2010

I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am due September 6, 2011!

Shhhhhhhhh... It's a secret for now! We just found out this morning! I wanted those of you who have followed my blog and prayed for us along the way to know before the public announcement is made. There are no words to properly describe the euphoria I am currently feeling! I always imagined this post to be so eloquently thought out but the truth is my brain isn't even functioning! I'm way too excited and shocked to say much more than "OMG!!!" (Which has come out of my mouth 7,453,742 times today!) I feel so incredibly blessed. God has given me the absolute best Christmas miracle I could have ever hoped for!!

I have decided at this point to discontinue posting at this blog address. I want this to be a resource for those struggling with infertility, that they may find some sort of renewed hope and support in it. I feel like I'm turning a page in my life, so it's time for me to do the same here. I will create a brand new blog dedicated to our little bean in the making and that's where I'll share all of our news to come. I will be sure and post a link as soon as I do.


  1. Best news ever awwwwwwww so happy and you both deserve it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mom and GRANDMA to be

  2. So So So HAPPY for you. I just had such a strong feeling this time when I saw the picture of the embryo. Just like I felt the strong feeling on two Christmas Eves ago, when Alicia saw a shooting star on our way to church that night. Will be looking forward to following your new blog sight about your little bean :) HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your family. Hugs, Sharon

  3. My Mom stole the words right outta my mouth :) I just knew it would happen for you. As you once said, it might not happen on "our time", but "God's time". Waiting is worth it. You will be the best mommy ever and that little bean is one lucky little baby :)
    Leesh and Levi :)
