Monday, October 18, 2010


I'm not even sure how to go about writing this so I'm keeping it short and to the point. The IVF has failed - I'm still not pregnant.


  1. I am do sorry. I am a complete stranger...but I feel for you
    God has a way of working things out the way we need it, when we need it. This is so hard and so painful...AND I know that it feels so unfair. I am also going through the IVF process right now and like you I have never been pregnant. There is nothing in the world I want more than a child, but it hasn't happened for us yet. I know that God loves you. I know he knows your struggles and sorrow. He is the best comforter, but I just want you to know that you are in my prayers today. Hugs

  2. I love you!!!! Mom

  3. So sorry Court. I will still pray that it will happen for you. I feel strongly that you will be a mother, and I do wish it would happen sooner than later, but I really feel that it will happen. I know that it is so hard to not know why it just isn't working. Have faith. God always has a plan for us. We might not always like it at the moment, or even understand it, but there is always a plan. Hugs!
