Thursday, October 7, 2010

Four Embryos

I just received the call from the embryologist. It turns out only 4 of the 16 eggs fertilized normally. This is less than we expected and it came as a bit of a shock. They'll will keep those in the incubator until Saturday (day 3). At that point, they will reevaluate them and call me again. On a positive note, the embryologist feels that because of my age these four embryos have a great chance of dividing normally and thriving. He thinks we still have a pretty good chance of doing a day 5 transfer. All four making it until Monday would be a wonderful outcome but the odds of that happening are low. Please pray for these four little ones to defy mommy already and be healthy and strong.

As for me, tonight I begin my daily progesterone in oil injections ((shivers)) and baby aspirin. I'm feeling very bloated and quite uncomfortable today, but hopefully it will get better and not worse over the course of the weekend. Expect another update Saturday.


  1. Glad to hear the good news! It's pretty exciting knowing that there are four out there, somewhere. Be sure to rest and just a recommendation- take an iPod for the transfer. You have to lay down for an hour afterwards, and it's a little stressful. John Mayer was my choice. If they'll do it, get a pic of the blastocysts. It would be a super cool baby pic someday! I'll be praying!

  2. Good luck. This stuff is hard but everything is possible through God.
