Friday, June 4, 2010

The Two Week Wait Begins

Well, I had my first IUI today. We had a count of 53.3 million post wash which is great! It's an interesting way to make a baby but hopefully that's exactly what happened. I find it neat that we're so aware of everything going on with my body, hopefully resulting in a very healthy pregnancy and baby. I'll know the exact day we conceived and so much more than most women ever do. I even got to see my little follicle on the ultrasound. In my mind, I was pregnant right then. With all of these factors combined, we seem to have a pretty good chance. I pray that this is all it takes for us because I'm emotionally exhausted. At this point I just feel like a giant pin cushion. As far as the procedure itself, it was a lot like a pap smear although there was quite a bit more pressure and discomfort involved. Next Friday, I'll return for blood work to determine my progesterone level. If it is low, then I will be put on progesterone suppositories to support any resulting pregnancy and prevent miscarriage. If the level looks good, we'll do nothing and continue to wait. Please keep your fingers crossed and continue to pray for us.

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