Thursday, June 17, 2010

For When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong

Something just occurred to me and I'm feeling compelled to share it. I was thinking about what I wrote in a previous post, that "God wouldn't give us more than we could handle." I've had a few days to really think about that and I disagree. I think that is just one of those things we're told in life to make it seem easier, to comfort us. In fact, I think nothing is further from the truth. I think God is continuously giving me things I can't handle. He's allowing me to go through these hardships time and time again to draw me closer to Him and mold me into the person I am supposed to be. I can think of so many times in the recent months that I've thought I would never make it through a certain situation. Each and every time that situation has come to be and miraculously, here I am. Here I am! I'm learning that only with God can I make it through those situations that I cannot handle. That doesn't mean it's easy, not the least bit, but I'm going to make it through this. This procedure failing was one of those things I said I could never handle. But here I am, I'm handling it, the key is I'm not handling it alone. We tend to think God is only with us in our lives when everything is going great. When things don't look so good we immediately feel abandoned. I think from my previous post you see it's an obvious struggle of mine. What I see now is that God hasn't abandoned me, He is just busy working out a bigger, better plan for my life that I'm completely oblivious to. There are still many things I can't make sense of but the good news is that I don't have to. That isn't my job and I have been naive in trying to take it on. Right now, right after this failure, I feel stronger than I have in a long time. Maybe ever. That in itself is a miracle.

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