Friday, November 20, 2009

Laparoscopy Number Two...

As many of you already know, yesterday I had my second laparoscopic surgery along with a hysteroscopy. My doctor had to excise a large cyst in my left ovary because it was triple the size it should be. On the right side, the plan was to do perform a "tubal cannulation" which is where he would go in and manually open the closed fallopian tube. It turns out that my right tube was in such bad shape that he ended up having to remove it completely. It was very swollen and enlarged. It turns out that this enlarged tube is what they had mistaken for an endometrioma on the ultrasound before. Also, my right ovary is really teeny tiny and non-functional, but he still left it alone. He seemed optimistic and while I'm not thrilled at the idea of only having one functioning side, I'm trying to trust his judgment that this is what needed to be done. He wants us to attempt trying to conceive on our own without any infertility treatments for 4-6 months then if nothing happens he will treat me as an "unexplained infertility" patient. This will be treated exactly the same way as endometriosis would have, so nothing new there. It turns out there wasn't any endometriosis like the previous laparoscopy had shown. He said the large cyst and enlarged fallopian tube were very likely the cause of all of the similar symptoms. I go back for my post-op appointment on December 1, and will find out more details then.

As for me, I'm still feeling pretty rough and Percocet is still my bff for the time being. I have four incisions total. One is on my belly button and the other three are under that right around my pelvic area. My right shoulder is very sore as well. This is because the gas they used to inflate my abdomen is trapped there. I was pretty sick to my stomach last night due to the anesthesia, but that seems to have passed now. Since I have arrived home I've pretty much just made it back and forth from the couch to the bed. I did manage to take a shower today though so that's progress. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts, prayers and well wishes. I'm so blessed to have such a loving family and compassionate friends. Love all of you!

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