Friday, September 25, 2009

Just Pray...

I had a very prominent dream the night before last that intrigued me to take the next step on this infertility journey of ours. That being said, yesterday I called to make an appointment to go to our RE for my cycle day 3 baselines. Cycle day 3 baselines consist of an ultrasound to observe ones ovaries and find out vital information about them. If all goes well, infertility treatments may begin. This morning I left for the doctor in Shreveport feeling hopeful about the month to come. I didn't really expect anything exciting or out of the ordinary to be found today. The doctor performed the ultrasound and discovered rather quickly that I have a large endometrioma (just google it) on my right ovary. This means that I will have to have yet another laparoscopic surgery in November, only 8 months after the last. It would be pointless for us to go forward with any infertility treatments before the surgery because they wouldn't be successful anyway. The doctor said it was a good thing that I came in when I did, because those continue to grow. Meaning it would have been even worse by next year, when we had originally planned to do this. I have to say that God was looking out for us on that, because never have I had a dream affect my life in the way this one did. I'll spare you the details on my emotional pain at this point, but I will need many prayers to stay strong throughout this.

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