Saturday, May 23, 2009

So It Begins...

I can't believe it's already been over a month since my last post. As you all know, we've been very busy with finals and trying to get moved into our new house.

While I'm not entirely optimistic about it, we've decided to try using Clomid again. This is an ovulation inducing drug. We already know based on previous blood work that my body won't ovulate on it's own. My regular obgyn is able to prescribe this so we won't have to see the RE just yet. Truthfully, we really won't have the time until late July. Clomid is just an oral drug that is relatively cheap and doesn't have the increased chance of multiples like the more advanced medicines.

I will begin taking the drug on cycle day 5 and continue until cycle day 9. Then I go in for blood work on cycle day 21 to check my progesterone levels. This will in turn tell us if I ovulated or not. If my levels are over 15, that indicates a good chance of ovulation. If they're over 15, then we will know which dosage will work with my body for now. If not, then they up my dose and go for round two. I'll actually be going for my Progesterone test on June 12. That's the day after we get back from our vacation to Cabo.

I'll post more when I find out more! Don't forget to pray for us and all of the other couples faced with this. After all, God is the only one who can help us with this.

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