Thursday, August 26, 2010

Holy Tomatoes

My appointment yesterday couldn't have been better. My sonohysterogram went wonderfully and my trial transfer was a breeze. We went over tons of information so instead of setting the world record for longest blog post, I'll wait until it's a relevant time to share each step and detail.

My ivf protocol will be Mid-Luteal Lupron with Menopur and Follistim. As for now, I just continue the birth control pills until September 18. I will however, go ahead and begin Lupron injections on September 14 and we'll go from there. Once we get started it's all going to go at an extremely rapid pace. I picked up all of my medications from the pharmacy yesterday and can I just say HOLY TOMATOES! I'll post a pic of my in-home lab at the bottom of this post! It's a little overwhelming, but I'm trying to take it one step at a time.

My tentative egg retrieval will be on October 6, 2010. If we do conceive, my due date would be June 29, 2011. That just so happens to fall on a great day, my dad's birthday! NEAT! :)

PS - I'll update my side bar with all the IVF lingo and details on the new meds so my blog doesn't turn into a foreign language for all of you non-ttc'ers.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

IVF Beginnings

I started my cycle yesterday, so we are officially getting started with the IVF process now. I will begin taking birth control pills (ironic, I know) tomorrow (CD3) in order to keep my cycle regulated so we will know the exact dates to schedule injections and procedures. I go back to the RE next Wednesday the 25th for my sonohysterogram and my trial transfer. I will receive my entire IVF schedule then, so I should have a pretty good heads up on when everything will be happening.

Other than that, I've mostly just been trying to keep busy to pass the time. I didn't mean to, but for a while I lost the desire to have much of a social life. I was just too exhausted and I really didn't care because all of my energy has been channeled into this for so long now. I kept myself closed off because it seemed easier that way, but now I realize that I can't get through these things alone. I've been working on mending relationships that I have let slide downward during all of this chaos. I'm trying to rediscover myself in the midst of infertility and find joy in the things that used to make me happy. I think I'm growing stronger and pulling myself out of the slump a little more each day. I finally feel okay... maybe even happy again. :)